“An animation of three near-infrared images of Uranus captured by the JWST Space Telescope with assigned representative colors. During processing, I aligned the rings separately to reduce the bubbling effect caused by different inclinations, making the planet appear to rotate on an almost flat plane.” —Andrea Luck
Taken on August 28, 2017. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Cassini’s Final Look at Enceladus
This is from images obtained by Cassini shortly before plunging into the Saturnian atmosphere. The images were taken over 14 hours and compiled into this animation.
Movie of Pluto Slowly Rotating
For some reason, the video scales and crops when you play here. Click to see it in Seán’s Flickr page.
According to the creator it was made from New Horizons data released in 2017. Created for The Lymann Spitzer Jr. Planetarium, a public planetarium in Vermont.
Wonderful animation of BEPi-COLUMBO passing EARTH
Hayabusa2 Samples an Asteroid Movie!
A near real-time movie! This is a pretty rare thing in deep space exploration. Most clips we see are time-lapse moons slipping by other moons or a spacecraft approaching it’s target. It is not often we see such dramatic movies coming from deep space.
Most Incredible REAL Video From the Surface of a Comet
The short clip compresses 25 minutes of images taken by the Philae Lander as it came to rest on the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. There is more going on in the image than you would think. Much of the dust that appears to be falling straight down are actually stars moving as 67P rotates. The dust that is actually moving in the image travels in all directions and mostly upward.
Image by @landru79 (who just won the internet). Be sure to see this page on LiveScience that explains how the clip was made and also includes an animation isolating the stars so you can see what is actually moving on the surface.
The Farthest on Netflix
You must see The Farthest : Voyager in Space
a beautiful documentary now streaming on Netflix. The film follows the program from concept to becoming the first man-made object to explore interstellar space.
And yes, there's also a whole in there about the
Old Timey Jupiter
I love this “old timey” animation of Jupiter from Voyager 1. It reminds me of these Mars and Moon shots posted so long ago. The animation was created by unmannedspaceflight.com user Astroboy and modified by user Herobrine.
Help Kickstart LightSail
Planetary Society’s first ever Kickstarter is up and it is already sailing toward it’s goal. In just 24 hours they are halfway to reaching their 200K goal! This will fill the existing budget gap the Society is currently operating under and will make LightSail a fully funded before it’s first planned launch later this month.
A part of the rewards in the offing is Chopshopstore’s Poster #6 from their Historic Robotic Spacecraft Series. However, about 2/3 of all the large scale screenprints are already spoken for. So if you want to help the Society’s first campaign as well as secure #6 in this series — do it asap.
Malmer’s Model
It is hard to imagine that this is a 3D model by Matthias Malmer. Not a series of 120 images released by the Rosetta team and stitched into a movie, but rendered from just 4 images. I processed this quick animated gif and looking at the individual frames, cannot detect the difference between the individual frames and still images taken by Rosetta.
Moon May at Kurzgesagt
We mentioned these guys a week or so ago. But they just finished Moon May which is a series of animated videos that explore our moon, Mars’ moons, Neptune’s moon Triton and the Pluto system.
Check Out Kurzgesagt
Especially if you have kids with an appreciation for science. These guys regularly do great animations that explain complex science — appropriate for all ages. They also promise a series of cool videos about cool moons in our solar system. So far they have only covered our own, next up… Mars’ Deimos and Phobos.
Around Saturn
Around Saturn from fabio di donato on Vimeo.
In Saturn’s Rings Official Trailer
The long awaited official trailer for “In Saturn’s Rings” has been unleashed. Looking forward to this film for over three years now.
Film: Europa Report
How did I miss this? Europa Report is based upon a future manned mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa. It was developed with mission specialists from NASA — so the details and events depicted are presented in more sciFiFact than in the traditional Hollywood SciFi. Sounds pretty incredible for lovers of real space exploration.
Outer Space Art Film Uses Only Raw Images
Outer Space from Sander van den Berg on Vimeo.
The Greatest Time Lapse Video of Earth Ever
Deep Impact Animation with Deep Impact
I just found this on Gordan Ugarkovic’s Flickr page. I just sped up the frame rate.
So Carl Sagan Says He Cannot Sing
There is not really anything for me to add except… this is actually pretty excellent and listenable.
The Cassini Mission in Stark B&W
CASSINI MISSION from Chris Abbas on Vimeo.
Gorgeous idea — taking the raw images from the Cassini mission and making a long flip-book style movie. Leaving in the flaws and noise of raw images happens to add a nice stylistic touch to the overall feeling of the film. The nature of multiple images taken by the spacecraft often with large and small gaps in time coincidentally makes some engaging jumpy into smooth segments.